Saturday 21 June 2008

50 Cent Hits Back At 'sleazy' Taco Bell

Rap superstar 50 CENT is outraged by fast food company Taco Bell's "sleazy" bid to land him for an advertising campaign, and is threatening legal action.
The firm offered to make a $10,000 (GBP5,000) donation to a charity of 50 Cent's choice if he agreed to change his name for one day. They stipulated he must stop by one of the chain's restaurants and rap his order at the drive-thru window - using a new moniker: 79 Cent, 89 Cent or 99 Cent.
But the star is not amused. A rep tells OK! magazine, "This is a sleazy and ill-conceived publicity stunt by Taco Bell's president, Greg Creed, whose disingenuous offer was leaked to the press before it was even presented to 50 Cent's agent yesterday."
And 50 Cent himself warns, "When my legal team is finished with them, Taco Bell is going to have a new corporate slogan: 'We messed with the bull and got the horns!'"